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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Belajar dari Kegigihan Tikus

Kaget banget anjir!

Suatu tengah malam kedengeran ada suara greek greeeeek di luar kamar. Berhubung sudah tengah malam, gue beranikan diri buka pintu kamar pelan-pelan dan intip mencari sumber suara. Sepertinya dari arah dapur.

Tertuduh: tentu saja either Kucing Garong atau Tetikus dong.

Proses investigasi: geret orang dari kamar main game PC buat cek sumber kegaduhan di dapur.

Hasil investigasi: tidak ada apa-apa, saudara-saudara sekalian.

Berhubung suara mencurigakan juga hilang, jadi kita lanjut kegiatan masing-masing (bobok dan main game, respectively). Besok paginya, gue buka pintu dapur-garasi, ada bekas gigitan di daun pintunya loh! Jadi itu sudah pasti gigitan tikus. Dan si tikus gila ini gigitin pintu dari arah luar rumah (garasi) demi bisa masuk ke rumah gue (dapur).

Anjir seumur-umur baru kedapetan tikus seniat dan segigih ini!

Hari itu juga langsung gue beli lem perangkap dan pasang di posisi persis depan pintu yang digigitin tersebut. Malam itu juga si pelaku tertangkap! You're so dead you little sh--

Kerjaan gue sudah tuntas. Jadi besok paginya gue perintahkan investigator buat buang itu mayat pelaku jauh-jauh. Masa harus gue juga yang bersihin, ogah.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Work from Home (a year after)

Sudah setahun lebih terjebak di rumah. WFH. Dan di kantor banyak pergantian karyawan. Dan meski tidak pernah ketemu langsung, dan bahkan beda team, nyatanya manusia tetap bisa kolaborasi bahkan bercanda akrab dengan para karyawan baru ini. Dan ini komunikasi hanya via Teams or Zoom or WhatsApp, dan semuanya tanpa video. We only see each other name and talk then laugh.

Aneh juga.

Saya ingat dahulu ada yang menyatakan bahwa komunikasi umumnya non verbal, alias melalui gesture. Then how the hell are we able to connect easily using only verbal communication? Are people getting so eloquent in communicating with each other? But bear in mind this is only possible for the gen-Zs and millennials, or the X'ers with open mind.

Semakin tinggi posisi yang biasa diduduki pejabat-pejabat usia lanjut, terutama Bapak-Bapak Lokal, duuuh parah. Jaman lockdown aja mereka bisa memaksa seluruh divisi under mereka untuk tetap tiap hari ke kantor. Katanya kalau tidak bisa diawasi langsung, ga keliatan kerja atau tidak. Selain itu, sulit koordinasi. Begitu alasannya.

Padahal bisnis tempat saya kerja sifatnya dinamis. Dan selama WFH setahun, performanya bagus, makin efisien pula (operational cost turun tapi kerjaan makin menggila sampai ga ada batas waktu buat berhenti kerja).

Berbeda dengan Bapak-Bapak Asing. Mereka justru ga mau ketemuan bahkan untuk hal-hal tertentu yang wajib tandatangan basah. Setelah vaksin baru mereka mulai pelan-pelan meet up, itu pun shifting terbatas dan hanya untuk para heads.

Jadi, perbedaan ini apakah lebih ke generation gap, cultural background or apa ya? 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Let's Talk About Snowflake

Quick type to search bar and you'll find below result.

The term "snowflake generation" was one of Collins English Dictionary's 2016 words of the year. Collins defines the term as "the young adults of the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations".

Although above definition defines young adults by 2016 (which indicates people born between 1985-1998), this keyword can be found anywhere toward anyone when the accuser like to say the other party is easily offended. But then comes the question. Is the accuser just being mean when they insult others or is it the other party that just easily riled up? Or maybe, it is just a matter of ignorance and intolerance?

The easiest example is when your acquaintance ask you, "Did you gain weight since I last see you?" A valid question though may not wise if asked toward female. Nor your friend. And especially not to someone you barely knew.

Bos-nya Mawar : Oh, Daun lagi cari pacar? Nih ada Mawar, sama dia aja. Single juga kok. Pinter, rajin, buktinya sampe malam gini masih kerja.
Mawar : Haha apaan sih mbak.
Daun : ... [terdiam 5 detik]
Semak : Hm, masalahnya Daun sukanya sama Melati. Coba kalau nawarin ke Daun itu yang setipe-setipe aja.

I was there. Not involved, just listened (and snickered because I too, like to bully Daun). Semak is unquestionably male. Jawa Timur-an. If you never find one, let me tell you that this species has been known as blunt, cause they think everyone is either their friend or enemy. Don't ask them to act in moderate.

And the next day, Mawar complaint to one of our friend that she feels offended by Semak. She feels that she was being compared to Melati, and got body shamed. Because, it is a fact that Melati is more thin. But really, nobody compared them at the time.

Are we too heartless to not understand that it is rude? Or is it them that get the wrong message?

Or maybe just don't give any damn, and go fu

Or maybe we should just try to compromise instead, and be more compassionate to each others instead.

It's not like we will always be the offenders anyway.
We are human, after all.

Friday, June 26, 2020

You Can (Not) Change

This is a summarized version of what I thought after I read all of my own old posts.

1. Permanent anime manga J-Rock enthusiast. Still following and loving all of those Shiina Ringo (even her Tokyo Jihen has been disbanded long ago then regrouped on this year), Dir en Grey, The Gazette and some new bands... still reading FanFiction, read (pirate) manga scan, and watch anime (now it's on Netflix or Prime since those pirates streaming bay has long gone). Did you see that?! I'm able to pay those subscription. It means...

2. I have money! The only benefit of working is getting money. But my thought about money is still the same, it's about collecting it just to fuel those addiction as enthusiast. See that giant poster of Middle Earth' map? Or the Gundam that started to fill in those rack? This Asuka Langley Shikinami' hat? Speaking of which,

3. Did you know EVANGELION final movie supposed to hit theater this June but this godd*** Corona-chan just can't help but steal the spotlight?! If I can stand to wait for it release in years, guess I should able to handle one more year. So it goes into the next point...

4. Unfortunately with those hard-earned things I don't have time for traveling, which still is my life goal. Had visited some places but still not yet has the change to visit Japan, get an ice cream at the ice cold Antarctic or use the coat at Europe (Scandi part only), and of course pension life at New Zealand with all of those cute sheep. The time is there, but the timing never perfect since last year. Hmmh this is a can of worm that I don't want to indulge right now. And so now I...

5. Has more patience... or maybe I actually lost it? Still has lower expectation toward anything in life. Just to avoid those feeling of disappointment.

6. And since I has more patience (or totally lost it), I cannot for the life of me try to keep up different-different personality masks. No longer bother to keep up with others view. If someone can't stand me, I'm sure the feeling is mutual. After all there's a saying that when you're surrounded with people that you like, you'll try to make them like you too. And it because...

7. Getting older makes me no longer want to put a lot of effort to befriend someone new. I already has those precious friends that withstand years of separation (thanks guys, love you all). And even new friends that I collected were the one that able to see me at my worst.

8. And shouldn't it be your own family the one that see you at your worst? Nope. Still no. Don't want to. There's a line that we can't cross no matter what with your own family.

9. Still has a lot of questions, curious about everything and nothing at the same time, but I got a new hobby! When I was younger I has a lot of things that I like with nothing specific. But now I can proudly say it's my favourite past time to annoy other people. Especially when it's soooo boring. I'll sneakingly hijack other' laptop and send an embarrassing email to their boss or send a loving text to their 'enemy'. Aaaah I remember that one time I put an embarrassing photo of my group head (he's using full skin tight Robin costume and let's say everyone able to see that outline) as our group chat profile pic and everyone become hysteric. Such a good time.

Since 9 is a good number, let's stop here. Hmm...I might put the breakdown of that hysteric time here *evil laugh

Friday, June 19, 2020

30 Vs 20ish

Been long time ago since I last write something, anything, that remotely personal. In fact, based on previous post, there's 8 years gap at least. And honestly, I forgot things that I wrote before. So I read it with a dreading sense of mortification coming.

And what a kind surprise! I found nothing embarrassing. Wow, maybe I'm just too far gone.

Right. So let's back to the tittle. This post should be about the difference between my current 'head' Vs my past 'head'.

The noticeable thing would be that now I'm a boring adult, as what an adult should be, especially when you're tied down to family.

So booooored that I made my kid as kind of like my pet project.
With her nickname "Rei" meaning "Zero", or as I'd like to call it as Baby-Prototype.
And now she's even called Mini-Me-Menace when I bring her around office and family. Somehow in current office, all my colleagues always put me as the main suspect of any prank that happen in our group. One time, this little human that not even 5 years old used my phone, opened WhatsApp, then send stickers that she like to my mother (aka her GrandMa).

She send this.

"Helowww goblog"

Thankfully her GrandMa is such a patient lady.
And of course, I end up nudged her to send that stickers to her auntie instead, to my sister.
Such a lovely Little-Me.