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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Let's Talk About Snowflake

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The term "snowflake generation" was one of Collins English Dictionary's 2016 words of the year. Collins defines the term as "the young adults of the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations".

Although above definition defines young adults by 2016 (which indicates people born between 1985-1998), this keyword can be found anywhere toward anyone when the accuser like to say the other party is easily offended. But then comes the question. Is the accuser just being mean when they insult others or is it the other party that just easily riled up? Or maybe, it is just a matter of ignorance and intolerance?

The easiest example is when your acquaintance ask you, "Did you gain weight since I last see you?" A valid question though may not wise if asked toward female. Nor your friend. And especially not to someone you barely knew.

Bos-nya Mawar : Oh, Daun lagi cari pacar? Nih ada Mawar, sama dia aja. Single juga kok. Pinter, rajin, buktinya sampe malam gini masih kerja.
Mawar : Haha apaan sih mbak.
Daun : ... [terdiam 5 detik]
Semak : Hm, masalahnya Daun sukanya sama Melati. Coba kalau nawarin ke Daun itu yang setipe-setipe aja.

I was there. Not involved, just listened (and snickered because I too, like to bully Daun). Semak is unquestionably male. Jawa Timur-an. If you never find one, let me tell you that this species has been known as blunt, cause they think everyone is either their friend or enemy. Don't ask them to act in moderate.

And the next day, Mawar complaint to one of our friend that she feels offended by Semak. She feels that she was being compared to Melati, and got body shamed. Because, it is a fact that Melati is more thin. But really, nobody compared them at the time.

Are we too heartless to not understand that it is rude? Or is it them that get the wrong message?

Or maybe just don't give any damn, and go fu

Or maybe we should just try to compromise instead, and be more compassionate to each others instead.

It's not like we will always be the offenders anyway.
We are human, after all.

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